Polonia Angels’ investments help fuel the ecosystem of innovative companies owned by entrepreneurs of Polish descent. Polonia Angels are looking to invest in early-stage companies, preferably those who have already raised some seed funding.

Can we help your business grow? Before you submit an application to Polonia Angels, consider the following:

  • Are you seeking an investment between $100,000 - $2,500,000?

  • Do you have or can you put together a business plan, marketing plan and presentation?

  • Is your business desirable, viable and feasible?

  • Do you have current revenue?

Get Funded FAQ'S

What is an angel network? +

An angel is a high net-worth individual who invests his or her own money in start-up companies in exchange for an equity share of the businesses. An angel network is a group of angels who are aligning their capital to make larger investments—sharing research on companies, but investing individually.

What Motivates the Polonia Angels? +

Many of the Polonia Angels are former entrepreneurs themselves, who are making investments in order to gain a return on their money, to participate in the entrepreneurial process, and often to give back to their communities by catalyzing economic growth.

How do angel investors help small businesses? +

In addition to financial capital, top angels mentor and coach their portfolio companies, often leading to more healthy growth. They introduce entrepreneurs to potential customers and investors, see around potential problem areas, and help the start-up firms gain credibility in their fields.

How do I know if my business is right for Polonia Angels' investment? +

Angel investment is the right source of funding for only a small proportion of entrepreneurial businesses. When considering yourself for investment by an individual angel or angel group, ask yourself these key questions: Am I willing to give up some amount of ownership and control of my company? Can I demonstrate that my company is likely to realize significant revenues and earnings in the next 3-7 years? Can I demonstrate that my company will produce a significant return for investors? Am I willing take the advice from investors and accept board of director decisions I may not always agree with? Do I have an exit plan for the company that may mean I’m not involved in 3-7 years?

When should I apply to Polonia Angels? +

The best time to seek angel funding is when: Your product is developed or near completion. You have existing customers or potential customers who will confirm they will buy from you. You’ve invested your own dollars and exhausted other alternatives, including friends and family. You can demonstrate that the business is likely to grow rapidly and reach positive cash flow in 3-7 years Your business plan is in top shape.

What Criteria does Polonia Angels use to select candidates? +

We expect to see some of the following: A strong management team with experience and proven skills Companies operating in B2B technology, advanced manufacturing, advanced agriculture technology and life sciences industries Unique product or service distinguished by an identified competitive advantage and large market Personal financial investment in the company and investments from friends and/or family A clear picture of the market for your product or service and realistic plan for market penetration An exit strategy for the investor that is reachable within 5 to 7 years The potential for a strong return on investment

What process can I expect if I apply to Polonia Angels? +

Our path to investment consists of several steps:

Step 1: Application - Begin by completing the application process online.

Step 2: Pre-Screening - When Polonia Angels receives a completed application our staff will review it quickly to determine if it meets our general requirements. The pre-screening will eliminate applications that are incomplete or do not comply with the investing preferences of Polonia Angels.

Step 3: Screening - Once an application has been accepted for review, the angels will create a due diligence committee to lead further investigation into the business. It is at this stage that you will be asked to provide additional information, including a full business plan.

Step 4: Investment Meeting - Entrepreneurs are invited to make their pitch at a meeting of angel investor members, who meet both in-person and via video conference. Members ask questions about the company and determine initial interest in making individual or group investments after the entrepreneur leaves the meeting.

Step 5: Due Diligence - The angel investor members interested in investing in the company then may conduct some more due diligence on the entrepreneur, the business, and the marketplace. The objective is to validate the business plan, the management team, market opportunity and amount of funding required, and to negotiate a term sheet, thus placing a value on the investment.

Step 6: Term Sheet - If Polonia Angels members choose to invest in a company, they will negotiate a term sheet, settting forth the valuation and investment terms and conditions.

Step 7: Closing - Documentation is then drafted and agreed upon between the angel investors and the company, and the transaction is closed and funded.

What questions will Polonia Angels ask me during the investment process? +

Polonia Angels will focus their interest around your business, the market in which you are operating and you as the founder and entrepreneur. Generally these include: What does your company do? What is unique about your company? What problem does it solve? How big is the market opportunity? Why are you the best person to move this idea forward? Who are the key members of your team? What experience do you have? What motivates you to be in this business/industry? What is your plan to scale in the next 6mos, year, five years? What is your competition? What advantages do you have? What advantages do your competitors have? How are you, or how will you acquire customers? What is the typical sales cycle? What are your legal or regulatory risks? What intellectual property do you own? How was your intellectual property developed? What are your three-year financial projections? What is the planned use of Polonia Angels' investment?